
Cancellation policy

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What is the cancellation policy?

Cancellation policies vary from property to property and can be viewed directly from the property’s page. While hosts can set their own policies, they typically enforce one of the following rules:

No refund policy

  • Reservations at this property are non-refundable.

60 day policy

  • 100% refund if you cancel at least 60 days before arrival.
  • No refund if you cancel less than 60 days before arrival.

60/30 day policy

  • 100% refund if you cancel at least 60 days before arrival.
  • 50% refund (less service charge) if you cancel at least 30 days before arrival.
  • No refund if you cancel less than 30 days before arrival.

30/14 day policy

  • 100% refund if you cancel at least 30 days before arrival.
  • 50% refund (less service charge) if you cancel at least 14 days prior to arrival.
  • No refund if you cancel less than 14 days before arrival.

Policy 14/7 days

  • 100% refund if you cancel at least 14 days before arrival.
  • 50% refund (less service charge) if you cancel at least 7 days before arrival.
  • No refund if you cancel less than 7 days before arrival.

Personalized policy

  • Some properties may have custom cancellation policies that differ from those above. Custom policies may have different cancellation terms and fees associated with them. These conditions are generally available for review directly from the property page. If the cancellation policy is not displayed, please contact the host directly to view their cancellation conditions.

All cancellations must be made by 11:59 PM in the property’s time zone in order to comply with the cancellation policy.



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